How do I know if your items are fake or real leather? 

We only stock genuine leather. We source our skins and hides from abattoirs all over Europe including cow and buffalo hides and sheep and lamb skins, which are then purpose tanned with the end product. We can provide more transparency on this with pictures of our tanning facility and manufacturing setup.


Who do you use for deliveries?


We use royal mail for our delivery service in the UK and provide deliveries through our local distributors in Germany, France and Italy. Please contact us to find out more 

How long does an item take to arrive?


Depending on the service selected which you can select during the checkout page. 

What countries do you ship to?


We have the facilities to deliver internationally through our various partners using a fully tracked express service. Please contact us to find out more


What happens if an item gets lost, or is damaged in the post?


If you haven't received an item within 4 days of us dispatching it, let us know and we will make a lost item claim on your behalf and then refund you the money or send out a replacement, or you can make a lost item claim yourself, please note we cannot be held liable for an issues with Royal mail but we will try help in any way possible


What if an item isn't what I expected?


If you receive an item and for whatever reason it isn't how you expected you can always give it back to us for a full refund. If in the unlikely event there was a problem with the listing then we will also refund full postage


Can I exchange or refund a item?


Yes you can